Aries Venus Star Point
Venus holds different frequencies of energy depending on whether she is at the beginning of her journey, the descent as Morning Star, or if she is at the end of the journey, the ascent as Evening Star.
As Morning Star, Venus is young, fresh, courageous. She is in her phase of stripping away, releasing, shedding. She knows how to die.
As Evening Star, Venus is mature, integrating what was reclaimed, remembering the ancient wisdom. She is in a regeneration phase of her cycle. She knows how to live.
Venus shows us how to honor the cycles of dissolution and regeneration, each one as vital as the other.
Venus Star Points for Aries
-Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
Morning Star Aries
Those born between the following dates would have a Morning Star Aries Venus Star Point.
4/15/45 - 1/31/46
3/13/53 - 1/29/54
4/11/61 - 1/26/62
4/8/69 - 1/23/70
4/6/77 - 1/21/78
4/4/85 - 1/18/86
4/1/93 - 1/16/94
3/30/01 - 1/13/02
3/27/09 - 1/11/10
3/25/17 - 1/8/18
Evening Star Aries
Those born between the following dates would have an Evening Star Aries Venus Star Point.
4/17/49 - 1/30/50
4/14/57 - 1/27/58
4/12/65 - 1/25/66
4/9/73 - 1/23/74
4/7/81 - 1/21/82
4/5/89 - 1/18/90
4/2/97 - 1/15/98
3/31/05 - 1/13/06
3/28/13 - 1/10/14
3/26/21 - 1/8/22

Venus Star Point’s gift to Aries:
Love and a heart-centered approach to life come through a profound belief in oneself. Their intuition is strong, and they act quickly. They are born to lead, not follow.
- Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
Self renewal and beginning new chapters of life are a key part of the Aries experience…Their passion, driven by the Venus Star, is to stay on the path of adventure, self-discovery, and renewal. If it comes down to a choice, they will typically choose the path of uncertainty, the road they’ve never driven down before or the mountain they haven’t quite scaled, as long as their energy holds up.
- Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
Healthy Aries experiences joy and pleasure in competition especially when they are engaging the Red Energy, or Life Force, that animates their focused intent. This is not a mind thing, nor is it about thought because Aries operates intuitively. The thinking function is not the primary motivator when Aries is taking action. Rather, Aries acts spontaneously and intuitively to further the cause they believe is worthy.
This is a spirited and enterprising energy exploring new territory and starting new things, while also learning independence and self-awareness. Thus, Aries is often found to be footloose and fancy free, taking on life as if they are continually experiencing it for the first time. As one who loves to explore and have adventures, their focus is not about having to take responsibility or play by society’s rules unless it is connected to their cause or mission.
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
Archetypal Journey of Aries
The Aries Mystery School Investigates:
A combination of trust, innocence, and courage
The development of a strong individuated self or will
Being committed to a noble or worthy cause
Personal accomplishments and achievements
Pure centered-on-self-awareness, independence
Spontaneity, Aggressive play
The Sacred Warrior who protects and defends the Cosmic Order
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
The current Life Intent for the Aries Mystery School is learning how to be a total, complete, and whole individual self. Through their own accomplishments and achievements they discover their autonomous, sovereign, individual identity. Progressive Aries says, “I can do this. I can handle it myself. I have the courage to see this through.” The Aries Warrior symbolizes the powerful creative force within each of us that is passionate, bold, and fiery. This is a masculine energy (not gender related) that drives the personality forward, and when harnessed, can be used to connect us with our original seed potential. The balanced and mature Warrior uses this energy to not only effect change in the Outer world, but to contact the deepest reservoir of life within the self.
This training is about learning to be a defender or protector of the cosmic order. In Aries training, it is necessary to gain clarity regarding the beliefs and causes Aries is committing their energy to further or protect.
The key to being successful in this training is learning how to be spontaneous, independent, and free. Aries explores the first pure expression of individual will.
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
Aries asks:
“What is the Noble Cause worth fighting for?”
Light qualities:
Sacred warrior defending the Cosmic Order
Aggressive Play, Love of the game
Committed action, One-pointed focus
Straightforward, Developing Trust
Innocence, and Courage
Free-spirited, Fun-loving, Charismatic
Independent, Spontaneous, and Decisive
Strong, Brave, Excitement, Adventure
Developing Personal Will and Pure “centered-on-self” awareness
Identity is based on personal accomplishments and achievements
Shadow qualities:
Fighting for the sake of fighting without a noble cause or purpose,
Extreme self-absorption, selfishness
Lacking empathy or compassion
Impatient, Careless, uninspired action for the sake of action,
Ruthless black and white beliefs
Highly competitive – winning at all costs
“I do what I want and I will do it my way regardless”
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook