The Path of the Divine Feminine
Vibration and Coherence
It begins with vibration. Everything vibrates. Atoms, stars, music, color, light. Vibration is the foundation of all that is, the sound of creation. The rhythmic waves of vibration in various wavelengths give us the variety of what we experience.
Next is coherence. The greater the coherence, the more potent the signal. A crystal singing bowl sounds different than a drinking glass. The crystal structure that makes up the singing bowl is more uniform, where the crystal singing bowl has greater alignment, than a regular drinking glass. When vibration moves through a structure of greater coherence, the frequency of the vibration is held, stays true to tone. A drinking glass receives vibration and is immediately distorted and diffused.
Resonance is the quality of sounding again. When a vibrational frequency enters through a coherent structure, the potency of this vibration can cause others things to resonate in tune with that frequency. When we hear a bowl sing, we begin the feel the vibration within our bodies. The stronger the coherence, the greater the capacity for resonance, and the greater ability to pull others into that same frequency.
Archetypes are structures of coherency, forms that hold a particular coherent vibration and that can bring us into resonance with them. When we begin to resonate at that particular frequency, we experience places that are dissonant, parts of ourselves that are not in alignment. We tend to be more like a drinking glass than a singing bowl. However, when we allow those dissonant place to vibrate loose in the highly coherent field of a particular frequency, or Archetype, those places can be restructured into more coherent forms, increasing inner alignment, entraining to the coherent frequency of the Archetype, and moving towards being more like the singing bowl.
As humans, we have the capacity to change, to grow, to become more clearly what we truly are. We have the capacity to become more coherent when we enter into highly coherent fields.
Sacred Space and Alchemy
We create highly coherent fields by creating sacred space. Within sacred space we can activate the frequency of a particular archetype, through attuning and resonating with the qualities of that archetype. It is the duty of the guide, priestess, focalizer, to call in a particular energetic frequency, a particular archetype, to attune and resonate to that frequency through their own system, amplifying it into the field, the sacred space that others will enter into. We maintain that coherent field by helping each person who will enter into sacred space begin to resonate with that frequency before entering.
Within a temple circle, the gate serves as a coherency check, a calling into resonance in order to enter into sacred space. This keeps the potency of coherence within the space so that each person within the circle begins to vibrate and resonate with that particular archetypal energy.
When we receive a potent dose of a frequency and begin to resonate with it, we are initiated by that frequency. All the parts of us that are not in alignment will feel discordant. They will come into our conscious awareness through discomfort in our bodies, reactivity in our thoughts and emotions. Our life situations will highlight and bring to our attention these places of discordance. These are life initiations. We have the opportunity to see these discordant parts, honor them, respect where they have come from, and soften into slowly letting them entrain to the greater frequency of archetype.
This is alchemy, where the places of disharmony are drawn into alignment, where a drinking glass becomes a singing bowl. We become an instrument that can sing with the myriad vibrations resounding through the universe. With our increased coherence, we can impact those around us, amplifying vibrations we wish to cultivate, whether these be of love, peace, liberation, creativity, or whatever we wish to amplify. We change our environment by changing ourselves.
The embodiment of the Divine Feminine is the path of resonance and coherence. Becoming the coherent vessel that allows vibrational frequency to potently flow through us, amplifying frequencies of the Divine, of True Nature. We become sacred space, the vessel of the Divine. We attune to Her myriad expressions, the facets of True Nature, the different flavors of Essence, the pure vibrations of reality, and recognize that as we become more coherent, these are our natural states. We remember how to dissolve dissonance and relax back into coherence.
The Archetype of Temple
Temple is a sacred space, a place where we can embody the Divine Feminine, reclaim our inner knowing, and step into the fullest expression of our soul's Essence. A place to be held, witnessed, and loved by other women, fully and completely, just as we are.
Within this space we practice alchemy, choosing to love our shadow as we love our light, for all things are made whole in Love.
Within this space we deepen into being vessels of the Divine, moving from incoherence to coherence, from dissonance to resonance. As we embrace the frequency of a particular facet of the Divine, this movement of coherence is done through us, not by us.
Within this space we choose to embody the Divine, to speak to Her and be spoken through by Her, to learn about Her and to be Her hands, Her eyes, Her heart, within this physical space.
Within this space we connect with the ancient lineage of honoring the Divine Feminine, connecting with those who have offered themselves in devotion, across the world, across cultures, throughout all space and time.
Frequency and Coherency Images
Suggested Reading
“The Unfolding Now,” A.H. Almaas
“Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey,” A.H. Almaas
“Divine Eros,” A.H. Almaas
“Love Unveiled,” A.H. Almaas
“Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess,” Elayne Kalila Doughty and Rebecca Cavender
“Inner Tantric Yoga: Working with the Universal Shakti,” David Frawley
“Shamanic Astrology Handbook,” Daniel Giamario
“Venus Star Rising,” Arielle Guttman
“Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, and Joy in the Female Body,” Tami Lynn Kent
“On Becoming an Alchemist: A Guide for the Modern Magician,” Catherine MacCoun
“Radiance Sutras,” Lorin Roche
“13 Moon Oracle,” Ariel Spillsbury
“Alchemical Active Imagination,” Marie Von Franz