Capricorn Venus Star Point
Venus holds different frequencies of energy depending on whether she is at the beginning of her journey, the descent as Morning Star, or if she is at the end of the journey, the ascent as Evening Star.
As Morning Star, Venus is young, fresh, courageous. She is in her phase of stripping away, releasing, shedding. She knows how to die.
As Evening Star, Venus is mature, integrating what was reclaimed, remembering the ancient wisdom. She is in a regeneration phase of her cycle. She knows how to live.
Venus shows us how to honor the cycles of dissolution and regeneration, each one as vital as the other.
Venus Star Points for Capricorn
-Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
Morning Star Capricorn
Those born between the following dates would be a Morning Star Capricorn Venus Star Point.
1/19/90 - 10/31/90
1/16/98 - 10/27/98
1/14/06 - 10/26/06
1/11/14 - 10/24/14
1/9/22 - 10/22/22
Evening Star Capricorn
Those born between the following dates would be an Evening Star Capricorn Venus Star Point.
1/19/86 - 11/4/86
1/17/94 - 11/2/94
1/14/02 - 10/30/02
1/12/10 - 10/28/10
1/9/18 - 10/25/18
1/6/26 - 10/23/26

Venus Star Point’s gift to Capricorn:
Love and a heart-centered approach to life is expressed through a modest, dignified, traditional beauty. These individuals possess a natural ability to command respect.
-Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
Responsibility and maturity are part of Capricorn Venus Star point individuals from childhood. They tend to be practical and realistic, in tune with nature, and concerned with protecting Earth’s resources. They are also talented at illuminating things from a former era in new and creative ways.
-Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
The whole history of the human experience is contained in Capricorn, including what does and doesn’t work. Astrology as a global, historical, psychology originates in Capricorn as they are the ones who track the history of our experience on this planet. This is why Capricorn is associated with the Circle of Grandmothers, the Wise Ones, the Grandfathers and the Elders.
This suggests the emerging Capricorn Leader is here to create new structures that support individuals in taking responsibility for their own life, their own experience, and their own happiness and evolution, with reference to the objective reality of the actual needs of the planet and the culture that is now emerging.
The essence of Capricorn is the appropriate, effective, practical management of a culture over a period of time and includes responsibility to the next seven generations.
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
Archetypal Journey of Capricorn
The Capricorn Mystery School Investigates:
Bringing Spirit into matter to manage it for the benefit of others
Being an effective and responsible leader
The rules and principles governing the structure of the culture and how to work with them effectively
What works and what doesn’t work and then focuses on what works
Responsibly managing their environment to get maximum results that benefit society and the culture
Knowledge and wisdom directed toward practical application
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
Those taking Capricorn training are finding effective ways for the culture to organize itself around new structures in both home and society. Capricorn is learning the skills of practical leadership including building healthy infrastructure, (for example buildings, roads, bridges, etc.) as well as developing concepts, ideas, and socio-political structures that serve everyone. They are learning to lead, organize, and manifest with wisdom in order to serve the seven generations to follow and to honor the seven generations of the past.
The joy and satisfaction for Capricorn lies in the manifestation of what they are building. Capricorn enjoys concentrated focus and having the ability to see how the parts relate to the whole when applied to a project, or to administrating a process, or to building a society. It is this skill that ensures the success of whatever the Capricorn focus is.
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
Capricorn asks: “Does it work? Is it practical?”
Light qualities:
Management and Control, Responsible Administration, Brings Spirit into matter to manage and administer it, Circle of Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Wise Ones and Elders, Leaders, counselors, and teachers, Attunes to what works and what doesn’t work, Builds structures of all kinds, Concentrated focus, gets things done, enjoys accomplishment, Experiences joy and satisfaction attending to the details that produce beneficial results, Revisioning how we steward and care for our Planet, family, and community
Shadow qualities:
Driven to achieve according current cultural standards, Stuck in old forms, Stuck on the material level, Difficulty receiving, Difficulty letting go of control, Stuck being teacher/leader/elder without a personal life, Drive toward perfection and overwork without any personal joy, Feels they must always carry the burdens of others, Takes self too seriously
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook