Gemini Venus Star Point
Venus holds different frequencies of energy depending on whether she is at the beginning of her journey, the descent as Morning Star, or if she is at the end of the journey, the ascent as Evening Star.
As Morning Star, Venus is young, fresh, courageous. She is in her phase of stripping away, releasing, shedding. She knows how to die.
As Evening Star, Venus is mature, integrating what was reclaimed, remembering the ancient wisdom. She is in a regeneration phase of her cycle. She knows how to live.
Venus shows us how to honor the cycles of dissolution and regeneration, each one as vital as the other.
Venus Star Points for Gemini
-Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
Morning Star Gemini
Those born between the following dates would have a Morning Star Gemini Venus Star Point.
6/20/64 - 4/11/65
6/17/72 - 4/8/73
6/15/80 - 4/6/81
6/13/88 - 4/5/89
6/10/96 - 4/1/97
6/8/04 - 3/30/05
6/6/12 - 3/24/13
6/3/20 - 3/25/21
Evening Star Gemini
Those born between the following dates would have an Evening Star Gemini Venus Star Point.
6/20/68 - 4/7/69
6/18/76 - 4/5/77
6/16/84 - 4/3/85
6/13/92 - 3/31/93
6/11/00 - 3/29/01
6/9/08 - 3/26/09
6/7/16 - 3/24/17
6/4/24 - 3/22/25

Venus Star Point’s gift to Gemini
Love and a heart-centered approach to life comes through as charm, wit, and playfulness.
-Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
It is the idea of the message bearer that the Gemini Venus Star Point animates best, executed with wit and style. They have a youthful, free-spirited manner and love to play.
-Arielle Guttman, Venus Star Rising
The Current Life Intent for Gemini is about exploring creative self-expression as it relates to serving spiritual awareness. It is also learning about being a magical, youthful, playful energy, brilliantly connected to a unique expression of the Creative Muse. This training is about learning how to be the trickster and doing what is least expected in subtle ways that do not provoke confrontation but rather expand awareness of how the divine is operating.
Those in Gemini training are learning how to go beyond the rules, beyond the laws of this reality as described in the imagery of the Fool leaping empty handed into the void. It is the Fool who has learned how to transcend the rules and goes beyond duality so they are free to go wherever they are needed to serve Spirit, to serve the Creative Principle. This often shows up in unexpected, surprising ways that shakes up our attachment to the boundaries of this reality.
This means those who are taking Gemini training are learning how to go beyond the rules, regulations, limitations, boundaries, and laws of this reality to a place of complete and total freedom. With one foot in the mortal world of matter, the other in the immortal realm of Spirit, Gemini brings new insights to each domain.
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
Archetypal Journey of Gemini
The Gemini Mystery School Investigates:
The nature of analytical mind and its forms of communication
The entire spectrum of logical and mental interconnectedness
The magical connection to the Divine Creative Muse
The cosmic joke
The reality beyond rationality
The experience of going beyond linear processes
To know and fulfill the law, and then go beyond it to a place of total freedom
To fully know that the laws of nature do not affect them
They are truly free from the rules
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook
Gemini asks: “How many varieties of Freedom are there?”
Light qualities: Service to Spirit, The nature of the analytical mind and all its forms of communication, Brilliant, Crazy wisdom, Goes beyond duality and polarity, Ultimately Learns the Mind Can’t Know it All, The Minstrel, Trickster Magician, Shape Shifter, Storyteller, Magical, Youthful, Eternal Youth, Playful, Fun, Connected to personal version of the Creative Muse
Shadow qualities: Scattered, Worries too much, too mental, Changing too fast and going into things superficially, Fear of loss of freedom or being tied down, Passive Aggressive Behavior, Afraid to make commitments, Does not value or understand emotions, Inappropriate Humor
-Daniel Giamario, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook