The Radiant Queen

The Eighth Gate of Descent

April 7, 2024: Venus meets with the moon in Aries

Venus descends in the morning sky, shining as Morning Star. She meets with the moon at the Earth Star Chakra gate.

The Gatekeeper Speaks

Radiant Queen, you stand on the threshold. Here, now, it is time. With your feet bare on the Earth, naked and trembling you come to my gate. Radiant Queen, who knows the rolls, can play the parts, can shine so vibrantly, you are stripped bare. There is no one to see you where you are going. There is no one to watch, no one to know, no one to approve of your performance. Radiant Queen, it is time.

It is time to burn away all that is not intrinsically you. It is time to burn away the rolls, the history, the identities, the values, the goals, the accumulation of knowledge and wealth and people and love and support. It is time to let it all burn. With your feet bare on the earth, your soul stripped bare, will you enter my gate? Will you enter alone? Will you enter just as yourself?


7th Gate of Descent


Within the Underworld