She who is guardian of all life
She is the spiritual warrior, the One who holds an intention and has the skill to manifest it. This archetype assists us in holding an intent and gives us the strength and commitment to fulfill our aims. Impeccability requires truth, responsibility, and competence, but most of all it requires discipline. Impeccability flows from the clarity of our intent and determines the warrior's effectiveness in manifestation.
“I choose to stand in my own sovereignty.”
Light qualities: Intention, impeccability, sovereignty, authentic presence, androgyny, self-empowerment, independent, resourceful
Shadow qualities: Issues of power/powerlessness, overzealousness, blame, perfectionism, over-discipline, righteous indignation, over-protectiveness, vague motivation or intent
-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
I intend. I empower.
The frequency of Green and Gold, the Essences of Attunement and Truth
Goddess archetypes: Artemis, Bast, Brigit, Kore, Matangi
Element: Earth
Flora: Mint, juniper, pine, sunflower, ivy, honeysuckle
Crystals: Emerald, jade, amber
Animals: Deer, unicorn, horse
Symbols: Cube, bow and arrow, shield, trees
Mantra: San Kalpa, Narayana, Aim
Phase of the moon: Waxing full