She who is guardian of all life

She is the spiritual warrior, the One who holds an intention and has the skill to manifest it. This archetype assists us in holding an intent and gives us the strength and commitment to fulfill our aims. Impeccability requires truth, responsibility, and competence, but most of all it requires discipline. Impeccability flows from the clarity of our intent and determines the warrior's effectiveness in manifestation.

“I choose to stand in my own sovereignty.”

Light qualities: Intention, impeccability, sovereignty, authentic presence, androgyny, self-empowerment, independent, resourceful

Shadow qualities: Issues of power/powerlessness, overzealousness, blame, perfectionism, over-discipline, righteous indignation, over-protectiveness, vague motivation or intent

-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy


I intend. I empower.

The frequency of Green and Gold, the Essences of Attunement and Truth

Goddess archetypes: Artemis, Bast, Brigit, Kore, Matangi

Element: Earth

Flora: Mint, juniper, pine, sunflower, ivy, honeysuckle

Crystals: Emerald, jade, amber

Animals: Deer, unicorn, horse

Symbols: Cube, bow and arrow, shield, trees

Mantra: San Kalpa, Narayana, Aim

Phase of the moon: Waxing full

I am everywhere, infusing everything.

To find me,

Become absorbed in intense experience.

Go all the way.

Be drenched in the energies of life.

Enter the world beyond separation.

The light of a candle reveals a room.

The rays of the sun reveal the world.

So does the divine feminine Illumine the way to me.

-Loren Roche, Radiance Sutras

I belong to the beloved, have seen the two

Worlds as one and that one call to and know,

First, last, outer, inner, only that

Breath breathing human being.


Frequency of Green and Gold

The more you’re committed to something, the closer you are to it, and the less you separate yourself from it. When there’s complete knowledge and complete commitment, there’s complete union with what you want. Then you become it; you are that. So commitment becomes the embodiment of what you are committed to.

-A.H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book 1

With the truth, we have a sense that we’re more real, more here, that reality is more here, that there is something here that is significant, meaningful, life-fulfilling, regardless of whether it’s joyful or painful. Because it is the truth. Our experience becomes pregnant with something. There is a fullness, a satisfaction, that doesn’t come any other way. There’s a part of us that is more here. Everything around us seems more real, more concrete, more embodied.

-A.H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book 1

Friend, we’re traveling together. Throw off your tiredness.

Let me show you one tiny spot of the beauty that cannot be spoken.



Red, Black, White

