She who inspires and energizes
The way of the Muse is the way of epiphany, which can be defined as a sudden experiential knowing of essential truth. An example of epiphany is what my be called revelatory experience, when through Divine grace we perceive for a moment the true nature.
“I choose to revel in spontaneity.”
Light qualities: Imagination, creativity, inspiration, spontaneity, wonder, magic, playfulness, mystical perception, freedom of expression
Shadow Qualities: Comparison, scattered creative focus, lack of discipline, flightiness, boredom, fickleness, impatience, indecisiveness
-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
I play. I inspire.
The frequency of Aquamarine, the Essence of Innocence
Goddess archetypes: Calliope, Brigid, Sarsvati, Sundari, Terpsichore
Element: Air and fire
Flora: Vanilla, bergamot, saffron, star anise, hazel, daisy, zinnia
Crystals: Aquamarine, turquoise, blue topaz, apatite
Animals: Butterfly, humming bird, dragonfly, dolphin
Symbols: Wand, musical instruments, fairies, mermaids
Mantra: Sat chit ananda, Hrim
Phase of the moon: Waxing full
Dance, when you’re broken open.
Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off.
Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance, when you’re perfectly free.

Where I create, there I am true.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
Frequency of Aquamarine
Let me keep my distance always from those who think they have the answers.
Let me keep company always with those say “look!” And laugh in astonishment and nod their heads.
-Mary Oliver