She who gives and takes away
She contains all dualities, especially that of manifestation and destruction. She is the mother and the monthly blood shedding that destroys the possibility of life. She is the hungry Earth who consumes her own children. The Liberator is the primordial feminine, out of whom all comes and to which all returns.
"I choose to release that which no longer serves me.”
Light qualities: Power of creation and destruction, oneness, non-duality, liberation, destroyer of illusions, tantra, transformation, assimilation, catalyst, purification
Shadow qualities: victimhood, not taking responsibility for creating one's reality, unresolved anger and rage, self-destructiveness, attachment, jealousy, revenge, obsessive emotions
-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
I focus. I create.
The frequency of Black, Red, and White, the Essences of Power, Strength, and Will
Goddess archetypes: Kali Ma, Pele, Cerridwen, Sekhmet, Durga
Element: Fire and Earth
Flora: Frankincense, ginger, white lily
Crystals: Ruby, onyx, red jasper
Animals: Lion, eagle, vulture
Symbols: Squaring the circle, skull, blood
Mantra: Kaliyei swaha, Om tat sat, Krim, I can, I am, I will
Phase of the moon: First quarter
No matter how fast you run,
Your shadow more than keeps up.
Sometimes, it’s in front!
Only full, overhead sun diminishes your shadow.
But that shadow has been serving you!
What hurts you, blesses you.
Darkness is your candle.
Your boundaries are your quest.

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
-Lao Tzu
Frequency of Red, Black, White
So even though we try to hold on to a particular form or a particular way of experiencing, ultimately it is not possible. When we do this, we are trying to stop the dynamism. We are trying to keep that fluid, slippery presence confined in a particular box, stopping it from being dynamic and doing its thing. In doing that, we disconnect from ourselves.
-A.H. Almaas, Unfolding Now