She who embraces in beauty and love
Her embrace inspires passion and offers eternal fulfillment through love and sensual ecstasy. One who works with this aspect of the Goddess experiences herself as the Divine Lover, seeing only the Beloved in everyone she meets.
"I choose to open myself to vulnerability.”
Light qualities: Beauty, harmony, relationship, unconditional love, intimacy, vulnerability, self-love, sensuality, ripeness
Shadow qualities: competitiveness, jealousy, comparison, sexual manipulation, distortion of body image, obsessive emotion, insecurity, flattery, self-absorption
-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
I feel. I respond. I beautify.
The frequency of Pink, the Essence of Love
Goddess archetypes: Aphrodite, Lakshmi, Freya, Oshun, Venus
Element: Fire and Water
Flora: Pink rose, apple, clove, myrtle
Crystals: Rose quartz, pink sapphire, watermelon tourmaline
Animals: Dove, swan
Symbols: vesica pisces, rose, fruits, conch shell, dawn, cornucopia, sensory delight
Mantra: A lo ha, Shrim
Phase of the moon: Full moon
Every perception is an invitation into revelation.
Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching—
Ways of knowing creation,
Transmissions of electric realization.
The deepest reality is always right here.
Encircled by splendor, in the center of the sphere,
Meditate where the body thrills
To currents of intimate communion.
Follow your senses to the end and beyond
Into the heart of space.
-Lorin Roche, Radiance Sutras

Let yourself silently be drawn by the strange pull of what you love.
It will not lead you astray.
Frequency of Pink
When we feel that we are being ourselves, we feel real. We feel intimate with ourselves, close to ourselves, but not close in the sense of there being two who are close to each other. It is more a sense of nearness of our own beingness, without any distance. That absence of distance, or of dissociation, has in it a sense of intimacy and of relaxation, of being settled in one’s being.
-A.H. Almaas, Unfolding Now