She who enfolds in mercy, forgiveness, and compassion
This aspect of the Goddess represents the benevolent heart that assists all beings in channeling the love of creation into manifest form. She acknowledges and empowers by seeing the potential of each being beyond the limitations of ego, from the perspective of the oversoul rather than the personality. Tender without attachment. She is sensitive, inclusive, all.
"I choose self-forgiveness and self-compassion.”
Light qualities: Compassion, mercy, unconditional love, forgiveness, adoration of the Divine, non-attachment
Shadow qualities: martyr, non-self care, co-dependency, misperceptions of compassion, unhealed wounded child, not being able to say no in an attempt to get love
-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
I recognize. I seed.
The frequency of Violet, the Essence of Forgiveness
Goddess archetypes: Tara, Quan Yin, Mother Mary
Element: Fire
Flora: Lavender, lilac, peppermint, heather, lotus, gardenia
Crystals: amethyst, lepidolite
Animals: Bear, dragon, tiger
Symbols: Upward pointing triangle, violet flame, mantra, yantra, and mudra
Mantra: Om tara tu tare ture swaha, Om mani padme hum
Phase of the moon: First crescent
At the end of the exhale,
Breath surrenders to quietude.
For a moment you hang in the balance— Suspended
In the fertile spaciousness
That is the source of breath.
At the end of the inhale,
Filled with the song of the breath,
There is a moment when you are simply
Holding the tender mystery.
In these interludes,
Experience opens into exquisite vastness
With no beginning and no end.
Embrace this infinity without reservation.
You are its vessel.
-Loren Roche, Radiance Sutras

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
-Khalil Gibran
Frequency of Violet
What if the inner attitude could shift from “I’m always feeling ashamed; I wish I felt different,” to “I’m feeling ashamed and it’s really painful”? There’s a slight shift, you see? Instead of harshness, there’s a gentleness and an implicit compassion that makes us more willing to see exactly where we are and to just be there.
-A.H. Almaas, Unfolding Now