She who nurtures and sustains
She acknowledges and empowers through nurturing, preserving, and taking care. She offers safety and security by providing a nest, home, womb, or space in which to live, create, and ultimately give birth to the cosmic egg.
"I choose to receive unconditional love.”
Light qualities: Emptiness, nurturance, receptivity, surrender, empty presence, embrace, inclusion, self-nurturance
Shadow qualities: self-absorption, issues of safety, neediness, addictions to avoid emptiness, abandonment, emotional engulfment, need to belong, over-responsibility, issues of scarcity, limitation, not enoughness
-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
I surrender. I receive.
The frequency of Burgundy, the Essence of Intimacy
Goddess archetpes: Demeter, Gaia, Hathor, Mary, Tiamat, Danu, Bhuvaneshvari
Element: Earth
Flora: Cedar, sage, vetiver, redwood, red rose
Crystals: Garnet, ruby, bloodstone
Animals: Whale, dragon, turtle
Symbols: Spiral, womb, cauldron, cave
Mantra: Sukra Rakta, Hrim
Phase of the moon: New moon