She who nurtures and sustains

She acknowledges and empowers through nurturing, preserving, and taking care. She offers safety and security by providing a nest, home, womb, or space in which to live, create, and ultimately give birth to the cosmic egg.

"I choose to receive unconditional love.”

Light qualities: Emptiness, nurturance, receptivity, surrender, empty presence, embrace, inclusion, self-nurturance

Shadow qualities: self-absorption, issues of safety, neediness, addictions to avoid emptiness, abandonment, emotional engulfment, need to belong, over-responsibility, issues of scarcity, limitation, not enoughness

-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy


I surrender. I receive.

The frequency of Burgundy, the Essence of Intimacy

Goddess archetpes: Demeter, Gaia, Hathor, Mary, Tiamat, Danu, Bhuvaneshvari

Element: Earth

Flora: Cedar, sage, vetiver, redwood, red rose

Crystals: Garnet, ruby, bloodstone

Animals: Whale, dragon, turtle

Symbols: Spiral, womb, cauldron, cave

Mantra: Sukra Rakta, Hrim

Phase of the moon: New moon

Breath flows in, filling, filling,

In this moment, drink eternity.

Breath flows out, emptying, emptying,

Offering itself to infinity.

Cherishing these moments,

Mind dissolves into heart,

Heart dissolves into space,

Body becomes a vibrating field,

Pulsating between fullness and emptiness.

-Loren Roche, Radiance Sutras

Go back and take care of yourself.

Your body needs you, your feelings need you, your perceptions need you.

Your suffering needs you to acknowledge it.

Go home and be there for all these things.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Frequency of Burgundy

You belong within a great embrace that urges you to have the courage to honor the immensity that sleeps in your heart. When you learn to listen to and trust the wisdom of your soul's longing, you will awaken to the invitation of graced belonging that inhabits the generous depths of your destiny. You will become aware of the miracle of presence within and around you.

-John O'Donohue, Eternal Echoes

The more you reject something in yourself, the more you tear yourself apart—because that something is you. It doesn’t matter what it is—hatred, or frustration, or love, or grandiosity, or anything else; if you’re trying to push it away, sweep it away, get rid of it, what results is a tremendous tearing apart of the soul.

-A.H. Almaas, Unfolding Now

