The first quarter of the creation cycle holds the new moon, the first crescent, and the waxing crescent. This is the time of Winter. A time of going inwards, receiving the first knowing of what will be, yet waiting until the fullness of knowing is amplified before taking action. It is the time to set your intentions, to gather the seeds, yet wait and be empty. To want and yet not jump to fulfillment. We begin by going inwards.
New Moon
We begin with the Great Mother, winter, the new moon, the emptiness of the void. The darkness that holds space. Empty Presence, the pregnant void, pure potentiality. We must empty to receive something new. We must let go of how things have been if we want to build something different. Let go. Quiet your mind. Sit in the stillness. Rest. Truly rest. We are so used to pushing, pushing, pushing. Stop. Let go. Rest. There is a deep recognition of unconditional love when we allow ourselves to rest rather than constantly trying to prove we are lovable. It is OK to be. This is a time to surrender, to receive nourishment in the fallowness. Not to do, to be.
As you begin a new cycle, whether the beginning of the year or a new moon, wait. Rest. Before you jump to writing out your intentions, envisioning your future, wait. Rest. Empty out and create space to be. Let yourself lay fallow for a time.
We step into the Goddess of Compassion, the Light that descends into the void, the primordial vibration that is the light of life in all things, seeding life. Here we experience the first knowing of the many that are One and yet it is in the recognition of the emptiness of the void and the fullness of light that creation begins. It is within polarity that there is stored potential, power to ignite, the beginning of incarnation.
When you begin feeling the itch to set your intentions, or the desire to work on a project, wait just a bit more. Rather explore the process of how you decide what to intend, or what to do. How does perceiving impact your ability to create? How does judgment obscure your ability to implement your dreams and desires? What happens when, instead of judging what is wrong, or trying to fix or change, you ask yourself, what needs to be seen? What is seeded from the seeing? How is this different from expectations?
When we shift from wanting to set intentions because we think something is wrong, to waiting to see what wants to reveal itself, whole new vistas of possibility open up. It is through seeing we can seed something new. Within the growth cycle, there is nothing wrong with a seed. Just because it isn’t a plant doesn’t mean anything is wrong. There is nothing to fix. It is simply a seed. In the fallow time, the winter, the seed is waiting, ready, perfectly itself.
When you approach your life from the perspective that nothing is wrong, you are simply ready to grow in a new way, what vistas open up? What intentions start to reveal themselves?
The first quarter of the creation cycle is a down and in movement. We start with emptying, becoming the void, the void that can hold all things, rejecting nothing, surrendering, receiving. We move towards feeling into the unifying vibration underlying all things, letting go of what we think we know, judgments and expectations, recognizing, seeding. And even as we begin to see what is, we still pause before taking action and turn inwards even further, dropping down into stillness, allowing knowing to arise, a knowing that holds all that is needed for the right action to be taken, a symbol, even if it makes no sense to the usual way of thinking.
Just as a seed lies dormant in fallow ground, then receives the first vibration of the changing weather, before cracking open it taps down into its genome, a symbol that holds all the information for growth. There we amplify in stillness. As this phase completes, we move toward the action of breaking the seed, the bursting through constraint in order to grow. We move into liberation. But not yet. Wait just a bit more.
As your intentions begin to reveal themselves, enter into stillness and receive the symbol of them. A symbol is a doorway, a portal, a knowing that takes us in and through to something even greater beyond. What is beyond your intention? What gift are you here to embody? What is the symbol of it?