Venus Cycle
We watch the sky and remember. We remember those who have watched the sky throughout time. We remember those who learned from the cycles and seasons. We remember watching the sky and feeling our smallness, our connection, our reverence, our belonging. For thousands and thousands of years people have watched the sky and learned. They have watched the sky and aligned their actions, their rituals, their way of being with the cycles spinning through the sky. We watch the sky and learn and we remember.
Venus has danced her dance for eons. She shows us how to change. She shows us how to enter into the unknown, to let go, to die, and be reborn. She begins as Morning Star, shining brightly in the East's predawn light, high in the night sky. Month after month, for nine months, She descends, Her brightness flaring closer and closer to the horizon line. And then, and then She vanishes. She dips below the horizon and is not seen for a few months. Just when we wonder if She is gone forever, She begins to be seen in the West, in the light of the setting sun. She is reborn as Evening Star. Month after month She climbs higher in the sky, shining more and more brightly until She reaches the peak of Her ascent. She pauses in Her journey, rests within the heavens for a few weeks, and then begins the next cycle of descent, disappearance, and ascent.
She is the primordial Heroine's Journey. She is the one from whom the myths arise. Inanna, the ancient Sumerian Queen of Heaven who descends into the Underworld because She heard a cry of pain, meeting with her sister Erishikgal, Queen of the Underworld. Persephone, the Greek goddess of growing things, taken into the Underworld, who then emerges as Queen of Death. The light descending into the unknown and merging with the dark, arising in completion.
We watch the sky and remember. We remember how to descend into the depths of darkness, to reclaim that which is lost, surrendering to the death within the unknown, and rising again, reborn, re-cohered into wholeness. We remember.
We watch the skies and see that Venus makes her journey through the skies in a cycle that lasts 584 days, or about 19 months. She meets with the Sun in Her interior conjunction while in her retrograde period, or when it appears she is moving in the opposite direction when viewed from Earth. This forms the inner petal of her five pointed star geometry. Each retrograde period and interior conjunction marks the beginning of a new cycle. She begins the next cycle in a different part of the zodiac, forming the next petal in her five pointed star. She repeats her orbit five times, for a total cycle of eight years before beginning her pattern again. This 19 month cycle, repeated five times forms the Rose of Venus geometry.
The position in the sky of Venus’s conjunction with the Sun during her retrograde period sets the archetypal pattern that will explored in that cycle. Currently, the five archetypes that make up the five pointed star are Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Gemini, and Scorpio.
This cycle slowly shifts over several years, shifting from one archetype into another, taking approximately 250 years to move all the way through the circle of the zodiac. Over the next 15 years, the Scorpio point will become the Libra point, and the Aries point will become the Pisces point. The archetypal story is shifting from an exploration dominated by personal individuation and power into explorations around equanimity and dissolution into the Divine.
In the journey of descent and ascent, Venus meets with the moon about once a month. In the archetypal myths, one does not simply go to the underworld and then leave, but there are gates, challenges, times of testing that prepare the heroine to enter into the Underworld and then return to the world with the gifts she has reclaimed.
Each conjunction with the moon represents a gate, a challenge that prepares the heroine in her journey. We travel with Venus, the archetypal heroine, and use these gates as times to deepen into our own inner explorations. We strip back what no longer serves. We strip back the parts of self that keep us from fully knowing our own essence. We strip back, until we are cracked open, and then, only then, are we ready to enter into the underworld and reclaim that which has been lost.
We embody this cycle of descent and ascent through mapping these gates onto the main chakras of our central channel. Our bodies become the sky through which Venus, the heroine, our own soul self, descends. Embodiment of the archetypal journey is an aspect of the feminine approach to experiencing the Divine. We not only relate to Her, we become Her.