The Radiant Queen

The Third Gate of Ascent

October 5, 2024: Venus meets with the moon in Scorpio

Venus ascends in the evening sky, reborn as Evening Star. She meets with the moon at the 2nd chakra gate.

The Gatekeeper Speaks

Beautious One, when last you passed my gate, you released your attachment to your mother's approval, and your mother's mother's voice. You let go of being for them, your life a reaction to your ancestors, rather than living for you and you alone. Radiant Queen, I celebrate your ecstatic delight in being yourself. For yourself. I celebrate your bright heart, your fiery belly, your innocence of desire. As you reclaim your magic and mystery, your freedom to be yourself, as yourself, relish your wantings. Savor your desires. Your desires are holy.

Drink of the waters of what was, what is, and what will be. Let the ancient knowing of the water that has flowed through the cycles of life and death and rebirth through the aeons caress your skin, your throat, your innermost being. Embrace the freedom of knowing held here within the waters of your body. Feel the waters of your body warm and steam and flow. Beautiful One, savor the innocence of your desire.

Inquiry Questions

Take some time to drop in, deepen into the quiet of your unfolding soul, and explore what is here now in your awareness, rising as the Evening Star.

Radiant Queen, how many paths of freedom are there? How do you love? How do you create?

Courageous One, what do you desire? What is it like to want that?

Radiant Queen, what does it feel like in your body to get what you desire?

Courageous One, what does it feel like to become Desire itself?


2nd Gate of Ascent


4th Gate of Ascent