The Seventh Gate of Ascent
August 16, 2026: Venus meets with the moon in Libra
Venus is high in the evening sky, shining brightly as Evening Star. She meets with the moon at the Third Eye Chakra gate.
The Gatekeeper Speaks

Go deeper past thoughts into silence
Past silence into stillness
Past stillness into the heart.
Let Love consume all that is left of you.
White Essence
The Quality of Heart Knowing
Resonance is the act of sounding again due to similar vibration and frequency, two tuning forks sending harmonically resonant information back and forth like thunder and lightning. As you simplify, empty and resonate, you dissolve interference patterns, revealing natural alignment and wisdom to be the underlying geometrical patterns of the Divine Mind that are always at your disposal.
Slow down. Simplify. Honor the preciousness of being in the moment, to share the wealth of the outrageousness of the journey, which only lives in the present. You are being called to allow yourself to be recognized in your authentic Essence.
-Ariel Spielsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
Inquiry Questions
Take some time to drop in, deepen into the quiet of your unfolding soul, and explore what is here now in your awareness, rising as Evening Star.
Sacred Warrior, how many ways of knowing are there? How do you experience knowing? What knowing do you receive from your ancient lineage?
Bold and beauteous One, how do you know what you know? What do you know that you don’t know? What does it feel like to know through your heart?
Sacred Warrior, how do you connect with your own inner knowing? What deepens that connection with knowing? What will you do with that knowing?
Bold and beauteous One, how does embracing your intuition deepen your passionate purpose?
What is your own unique lens through which to explore this Essence of White, the quality of heart knowing, for Venus’s ascent as Evening Star? With whom do you journey this cycle?
Ritual Space
Take some time to drop into ritual space as you receive the initiation of this gate. We step into liminal space, time out of time, in ritual space. We connect with the lineage of those who have watched the stars for millennia, receiving the gift of Venus's journey, aligning ourselves with the cycles that are already unfolding. We remember our nature as beings who cycle, change, transform. We remember how to receive knowing directly, rather than needing others to tell us what is so.
You may wish to create an altar, light a candle, and anoint yourself with oils. Sit with this gate, the quality of Essence that is being called forward. As you deepen in surrendering to receiving initiation, ask who would come to guide you in your journey with this quality of Essence? What of yourself do you offer in return? What is calling to be set down at this gate? What pattern, belief, way of being in this world, is challenged by this quality of Essence? What are you ready to release in order to deepen more fully in this journey?
What gift is revealed in the releasing of this pattern, belief, or way of being? What has more freedom to be itself in this release? You may see this directly, or may need to live with this initiation throughout the whole cycle and come back and answer this question before entering into the next gate. You may wish to draw cards to receive guidance in this way.
As you complete your experience in ritual space, take time to offer thanks and adoration to the archetype, to Venus, to your personal guide that arose for this journey, to your ancestors and lineage. Offer thanks to the land that holds and nourishes and grounds you. In the giving and receiving we remember our deep connectedness to all beings everywhere, throughout time and space.