She who empowers and offers second birth
She is the way of truth, and She acknowledges and empowers through challenge. She prunes to encourage growth, catalyzes change, expands perception, and ripens potential. She helps us align with our essential truth and keeps us in harmony with it. The initiator's skills are clarity, discrimination, and most importantly the ability to be an instrument through which the Divine communicates truth. Therefore, the Sword is Her sacred tool.
"I choose to align myself with truth.”
Light qualities: empowerment, coherence, challenger, catalyzer, truth, power, authenticity, clarity, discrimination, radical change, innovator
Shadow qualities: self-importance, judgment, trying to control with the mind, blame, impatience, need for recognition, power and control in the ego, addictions to mask feelings of separation
-Ariel Spilsbury, The Alchemy of Ecstasy
I align. I challenge. I clarify.
The frequency of Purple, the Essence of Nobility
Goddess archetypes: Isis, Maat, Cerridwen, Minerva, Chhinnamasta
Element: Air
Flora: Mistletoe, copal, lemongrass, thyme, verbena, oak, purple iris
Crystals: Purple fluorite, purple tanzanite
Animals: Hawk, phoenix, heron
Symbols: Octahedron, sword, mirror, pyramid
Mantra: Rahu Rakan, Hum
Phase of the moon: Waning third quarter
Rest the attention easily in the forehead,
In the eye that is made of light.
Cherish the delicate energies glowing there.
Allow attention to inquire upwards, into the
Radiant space above the head.
The small self enters delicious omnipresence.
This it remembers and knows as its truth.
Gradually the luminosity of that truth
Fills the body to overflowing
As it rises through the crown of the head Into a shower of light.
-Loren Roche, Radiance Sutras

Why struggle to open a door
When the whole wall is an illusion?
Frequency of Purple
We cannot recognize the truth of our experience if we don’t know where we are in the moment. We won’t recognize where we are if we resist being where we are. Not allowing ourselves to be where we are prevents us from understanding our experience for what it is, and we won’t see the truth of the situation.
And that truth turns out to be essential power—it is the power of truth and peace and stillness. This is the immense and silent power to be—to be undisturbed and unruffled by the ignorance and reactivity of the familiar self. It is simply the power to be who you are, without domination or control, the power of True Nature that brings a love and a freedom in simply being yourself.
-A.H. Almaas, Unfolding Now

What you don’t see, doesn’t develop. If you don’t recognize a particular part of your experience for what it is, it will not reveal itself completely…So, being seen, being known, being recognized and discerned, invites True Nature to further reveal what it is. It reveals its treasures, its fullness, its perfection. That knowingness liberates, because it helps us to see what we are, what we’re doing, and how things work.
-A.H. Almaas, Unfolding Now
As we come to understand what is happening—by recognizing that the content of the experience is a projection and a position we are taking in the moment—the light of awareness transforms our experience into the actual reality of that moment. At the same time, it will transform us into what we really are, not what we believe ourselves to be.
-A.H. Almaas, Unfolding Now