Creation Cycle: Third Quarter Waning Moon

Here begins the cycle of drawing inwards, of entering into the phase of gleaning wisdom. After 6 months of radiative action and focus, a time of growth and harvest, we begin to turn inwards for the generative phase of deepening into the greater cycles of what was, what is, and what will be.

Third Quarter

The harvest is ending and now it is time to imbibe what as been grown. To take in, metabolize, to let it change the very nature of you. You are not who you were at the beginning of the year. Can you see it? Taste it? Harvests come and go. Growing seasons come and go. Light comes and go. There is a natural tendency to want to hold on, to preserve, to fear the coming dark. At this tipping point of change, of impermanence, flowing into the inward spiral, condense down the harvest and let it change you.

Go over your intentions, your harvest, see what you have cultivated this year. Then condense down, distill the very essence of this creation into a seed, a symbol, that stands for the whole. Let this symbol hold the resonance of what has come forward. Imbibe it and resonate with it. This seed symbol carries with it the knowing of what will unfold in wisdom in the dark. It holds the knowing of what will be planted in the next iteration of growing in the season of light. Let the resonance of this seed symbol begin to permeate you.

Essence of Black and White

Waning Crescent

As we enter into the final stages of the creation cycle, it is time to step back and see how this year’s harvest rests within the greater pattern. As you look at what has grown this year, the intentions you set at the beginning of the year, how they shifted and deepened and developed, how you have changed, how does this one node of the pattern of your life fit back into the whole? What is the story arc that you are here to live? What gifts are you here to develop throughout the course of your lifetime? How does your story, your struggles and pain, your hopes and dreams, how does this fit into the greater story of unfolding Reality? What is being created through you into the infinite story of time and space and beyond the boundaries of time and space?

This is a season of dreaming big. Allowing the minute experience to have its place in the grand web of all things, moving the awareness from the infinitesimally small to the most expanded reaches of imagination. Dream. Dream big. And release the work of this year into its place within the greater story of what is.

Essence of Magenta

Last Crescent

Before we begin a new cycle, with new intentions and new creations, it is vital to fully exhale and release all that may be lingering from this cycle. Anything that was left undone, release. Any expectations that were left unfulfilled, release. Any intentions that were set and did not bear fruit, release. Practice the art of letting go. Half dreams and almost done projects can build up and weigh us down, in the same way as not fully exhaling keeps you from breathing deeply and smoothly.

There will always be unanswered questions, more to learn and understand, more to do. Practice accepting endings, endings that are less than perfect, endings that are real. Let it go. It is enough. What is done is enough. Savor the holy perfection of accepting what is and releasing what remains left over. Savor the pause at the end of the breath, fully exhaling, without rushing to take the next breath. Release into the endings, as in my beginning is my ending and in my ending is my beginning.

Essence of Black


Full Moon